Custom Mechanical Keyboards

Prices may vary, prices are calculated by (parts+building fee+shipping)
Please read slowly from start to finish
contact: [email protected]

3 options...
1) modified prebuilt
2) fully custom keyboard
3) keyboard modification (for pre-existing boards that require slight modification)

Steps for modified prebuilts (cheaper alternative)
1) Go over some inspirations for keyboard design
2) Choose which size keyboard
3) Pick out parts
Completion time: 1-3 weeks
Steps for fully custom keyboards (pricier option)
1) Discuss likes in design
2) Pick out case
3) Pick out PCB
4) Pick out plate
5) Pick out switches & stabilizers (we will go over switches together)
6) Pick out keycaps
7) Discuss extras (this will NOT apply to everyone but this will include lube, switch film, various foams, etc)
Completion time: seek consultation
Steps for keyboard modification
1) We will discuss what mods would like to be done
2) Client will ship out board
Completion time: 1-2 weeks